W. Holden
Craig W. Holden is the Finance Department Chair and the Gregg T. and Judith A. Summerville Chair of Finance at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. His M.B.A. and Ph.D. are from the Anderson School at UCLA. He is the winner of multiple research awards (including a Fama/DFA Prize, a Spangler-IQAM Prize, and a Philip Brown Prize) and multiple teaching awards. His research on market microstructure has been published in leading academic journals and has been cited more than 4,700 times (see his Google Scholar profile). He has chaired 22 dissertations, been a member or chair of 62 dissertations, serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Markets, serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society for Financial Studies, and serves on the program committees of the Western Finance Association and European Finance Association. He has written Excel Modeling in Investments Fifth Edition, Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance Fifth Edition, and there are International, Chinese, and Italian editions. He served on the campus tenure advisory committee for three years, served on the school faculty review committee for two years, chaired the school's teaching and service excellence committee for six years, chaired the department doctoral committee for four years, and chaired the department undergraduate committee for thirteen years. He has led several major curriculum innovations in the finance department. For more details, here is Craig's CV.
Virtual Conference
How to Run
a Large-Scale Virtual Conference <= Insights from the first large-scale
finance conference to be run virtually!
Working Papers (see his SSRN
author page)
Holden, Lin, Lu, Wei, and Yang, The Effect of Secondary Market Existence on
Primary Market Liquidity: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Experiment in
Peer-to-Peer Lending
Mao, and Nam, Price Discovery in the Stock, OTC Corporate Bond, and NYSE
Corporate Bond Markets
Fong, Holden, and
Are Volatility Over Volume Liquidity Proxies Useful For Global Or US Research?
Published or Forthcoming Papers
1. Holden,
Lu, Lugovskyy, and Puzzello, 2021, What is the Impact of Introducing a Parallel
OTC Market? Theory and Evidence from the Chinese Interbank FX Market, Journal of
Financial Economics 140, 270-291
2. Holden and
Nam, 2019, Do the LCAPM Predictions Hold? Replication and Extension Evidence,
Critical Finance Review 8,29-71.
3. Fong, Holden, and Trzcinka,
2017, What Are The Best Liquidity Proxies For Global Research?, Review of Finance
21, 1355-1401 (lead article).
Supplemental Appendix
* Won Spangler-IQAM Prize = Best Paper in
Investments published in the Review of Finance in the academic year
* Won Philip Brown Prize = Best Paper using
Securities Industry Research Centre of Asia-Pacific (SIRCA) data that was
published in 2017.
4. Holden and
Kim, 2017, Performance Share Plans: Valuation and Empirical Tests, Journal of Corporate Finance
44, 99-125.
5. Holden,
2017, Do Acceptance and Publication Times Differ Across Finance Journals?, Review of Corporate Finance Studies
6, 102-126.
Updated Through 2016:
Journal Speed
Journal Speed Data
6. Holden,
Jacobsen, and Subrahmanyam Review Article, 2014, The Empirical Analysis of
Liquidity, Foundations and
Trends in Finance 8, No 4, 263-365.
7. Holden and
2014, Liquidity Measurement Problems in Fast, Competitive Markets: Expensive and Cheap
Solutions, Journal of Finance 69, 1747-1785. Supplemental
code to implement our recommended solutions for Daily TAQ (DTAQ) and Monthly TAQ
<== Updated for the new Nanosecond timestamps!
* This SAS code runs in the WRDS Cloud (or
on a PC) to obtain DTAQ or MTAQ data for firms and dates that
you specify, cleans the data, computes the complete NBBO, and computes standard
liquidity measures.
* Our article points out, the “NBBO” file
in DTAQ is incomplete by itself. So our DTAQ code combines both the “NBBO” and
“Quote” files to compute the official complete NBBO.
* Our article finds that there are three
different types of errors in the MTAQ. Our MTAQ code implements our recommended
clean-up steps to fix the MTAQ data as best as possible.
* Step-by-step instructions for running our
SAS code in the WRDS Cloud to obtain DTAQ and MTAQ data:
8. Bhattacharya,
Holden, and Jacobsen, 2012, Penny Wise, Dollar Foolish: Buy-Sell Imbalances On
and Around Round Numbers, Management Science.15, 413-431.
Supplemental Appendix
9. Goyenko, Holden, and
Trzcinka, 2009, Do Liquidity Measures Measure Liqudity? Journal
of Financial Economics 92, 153-181 (lead article).
* Won Fama/DFA Prize = Second Prize for Best Paper in Capital Markets and Asset
Pricing published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2009.
10. Holden, 2009, New Low-Frequency Spread Measures,
Journal of Financial Markets 12, 778-813." Detailed
Examples for any Decimal or Fractional Price Grid
11. Holden and Lundstrum, 2009,
Costly Trade, Managerial Myopia, and Long-Term Investment, Journal of Empirical Finance 16, 126-135."
12. Holden and Stuerke, 2008, The Frequency of Financial
Analysts' Forecast Revisions: Theory and Evidence about Determinants of Demand
for Predisclosure Information, Journal of Business
Finance and Accounting 35, 860-888.
13. Ellul,
Holden, Jain, and Jennings, 2007, Order Dynamics: Recent Evidence from the NYSE,
Journal of Empirical Finance 14, 636-661."
14. Craig W. Holden
and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 2002, News Events, Information Acquisition, and
Serial Correlation,
Journal of Business 1, 1-32 (lead article).
15. Robert Battalio and Craig W. Holden, 2001, A Simple Model of Payment For Order Flow,
Internalization, and Total Trading Costs, Journal of
Financial Markets 4,
16. Mark Bagnoli, S. Viswanathan, and Craig W. Holden, 2001, On The Existence of Linear Equilibria in Models of Market Making,
Financel 11, 1-31.
17. Craig
W. Holden and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 1996, Risk Aversion, Liquidity, and
Endogenous Short Horizons, The Review of
Financial Studies.9, 691-722.
18. Sugato
Chakravarty and Craig W. Holden, 1995, An Integrated Model Of Market And Limit Orders,
Journal of Financial Intermediation.4, 213-241.
19. Craig
W. Holden, 1995, Index Arbitrage As Cross-Sectional Market Making,
Journal of
Futures Markets
15, 423-455.
20. Craig
W. Holden and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 1994, Risk Aversion, Imperfect
Competition, and Long-Lived Private Information, Economic
Letters 44, 181-190.
21. Craig
W. Holden and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 1992, Long-Lived Private Information and
Imperfect Competition, The Journal of Finance 47, 247-270.
22. Craig
W. Holden, 1991, Index Arbitrage and The Media,
Analysts Journal 47, 8-9.
Published or Forthcoming Society
for Financial Studies Annual Reports
Chan, Ellul, Goldstein, Holden, Piazzesi, and Pontiff, 2021, The Annual Report
of the Society for Financial Studies for 2019-2020, forthcoming in the
Review of Financial Studies.
24. Ellul, Goldstein, Holden, Masulis, Pontiff, and Schoar, 2020, The Annual Report
of the Society for Financial Studies for 2018-2019,
Review of Financial Studies 33, 991-1008.
Excel Modeling Books
Complete information,
free samples,
and desk copy requests of my
Modeling books are available at:
Teaching Papers and Materials
W. Holden
and Kent L. Womack, 2000, Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance and Investment
FEN Educator 5, No 5
Craig W. Holden, 1998, Save Diversification From The CAPM
Controversy! An Excel-based Interactive Optimizer To Teach Diversification,
Exploiting Mispriced Assets, and Asset Classes, Journal of Financial Education 24, 49-47.
Holden and Smart, 2000, Two Thumbs Up: An Excel-based
"Movie" To Teach Term Structure Dynamics
Syllabus of Undergraduate Market Microstructure
Course (F335)
Syllabus of MBA Market Microstructure
Course (F535)
Syllabus of Ph.D. Asset Pricing Theory
Course (F600)
Syllabus of Ph.D. Market Microstructure Course
Syllabus of Faculty Teaching Seminar ||
Syllabus of Doctoral Teaching Seminar (X630)
Syllabus of Intermediate Finance (F303) ||
Proj1 || Proj2 ||
Proj3 || Proj4 ||
Service Results
Secretary-Treasurer Financial
and Policy Reports, Society
For Financial Studies (2012 - Present)
Chair of the Finance Dept Undergraduate Committee (1994 -
Member of 1997 Dean Search and Screen Committee.
Chair of 1995 Dean's Task Force on Science, Engineering, and Technology.
Resources for Doctoral Students
Career Resources