Calculate PIN as in Easley, Kiefer, O'Hara and Paperman (1996).
Author: Noah Stoffman (http://kelley.iu.edu/nstoffma)
Date  : 3/29/2004

This code uses a dataset in the work library (work.trades)
to calculate PIN. Standard errors are calculated from a numerical
implementation of the delta method.

The input dataset must have:
 ticker - company identifier;
 buys   - number of buys per day;
 sells  - number of sells per day;
and it must be sorted by ticker.

For details about PIN, see
 Easley, D., et al. (1996). "Liquidity, information, and 
 infrequently traded stocks." Journal of Finance 51(4): 

ods output AdditionalEstimates=pin ConvergenceStatus=cs 
 IterHistory=ih FitStatistics=fs;

proc nlmixed data=trades fd=central technique=quanew update=bfgs;
 by ticker;
 parms a=.1 .5 .9, d=.1 .5 .9, u=20 200 2000, e=20 200 2000;
 bounds 0 <= a d <= 1, u e >= 0;

 pin = a*u / (a*u + 2*e);

 temp = (1-a)*pdf('poisson',buys,e)*pdf('poisson',sells,e)
         + a*d*pdf('poisson',buys,e)*pdf('poisson',sells,u+e)
         + a*(1-d)*pdf('poisson',buys,u+e)*pdf('poisson',sells,e);

 if temp = 0 then temp = 1E-300;
 loglik = log(temp);

 model buys~general(loglik);

 estimate 'alpha' a;
 estimate 'delta' d;
 estimate 'mu' u;
 estimate 'epsilon' e;
 estimate 'PIN' pin;

proc print data=pin label;
 label ticker='Stock ticker';
 title 'PIN estimates';

proc print data=cs;
 title 'Convergence Status for MLE procedure';

proc print data=fs;
 title 'Additional statistics';


The SAS log may warn you that the second-order condition is violated because the Hessian matrix has at least one negative eigenvalue. Unfortunately, these cases are not noted in the convergence status matrix. To identify these, add

to the ODS OUTPUT statement and the word hessian to the proc nlmixed statement, and then have a look at the eigenvalues using IML. (The eigenvalues of a symmetric positive definite matrix are all positive, so if any of the eigenvalues are negative we know that the second order conditions are violated.) Something like this should work:
proc iml;
 use h;
 read all var{a d u e} into hessian;

 create errs var{err};

 do i=1 to nrow(hessian)-3 by 4;
  call eigen(vals,vecs,hessian[i:i+3,]);

  if min(vals)<=0 then err=1;
  else err=0;


 close errs;

data errs;
 merge errs h(where=(row=1));

The dataset work.errs will now have err=1 whenever the SOCs are violated.


