Ashley Volbrecht always knew she wanted to do something in the fashion industry. She just wasn't sure what. But in 2013 at a friend's wedding in Los Angeles, she saw something that connected her dream with reality: a fashion truck.
In that moment, she told herself, "This is it."
From that point forward, Volbrecht channeled her energy into straight-talk self-talk on what it would take to start her own fashion truck business. She gave up all the things that weren't adding value to her life and developed a strategy on how to find more time in her day to devote to getting her business up and running.
Bolstered by confidence in her personal style—she was voted "Best Dressed" by high school classmates and people often complimented her on how she dressed—she made a list of all the things she had to do to get behind the wheel of her own fashion truck.
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Ashley Volbrecht, owner of the Truckshop fashion truck, puts her love of fashion on wheels.